The Transaction Process
The Listing
1. The AREC
2. The Appointment/Listing Presentation
3. The Exclusive Right To Sell
4. Real Estate Brokers Affiliate Disclosure
5. Bill of Sale
6. Property Disclosure
7. Additional Document as needed:
- Lead-Based Paint Disclosure
- As-Built
- Platt Map
- Other Disclosures as needed
- Enter Listing into SkySlope
- Schedule Pictures
- Schedule other property needs, lawn care, home staging, and repairs needed to list.
- Enter/Update Client information in CHIME,
- Enter Listing Documents including Photos into MLS using ADD LISTING Tab.​
8. The Offer is Accepted
- Purchase and Sale Agreement fully signed
- Counter Offer fully signed
- Bill of Sale fully signed
- Property Disclosure fully signed
- Pend Property in MLS, adding buyers agent